Thanks Booey I for one am glad at any time to have RAS side and especially totals. So I am going to stand up here for Stu Passado who helps find them and say AK YAY Edward or whoever or whatever you call yourself YOU SHUT THE FU-- UP YOU MORON. Look at the overall body of work not just when you play your thomas jefferson and lose. These guys have been on target except here lately but dammit your getting the best totals player by far for free. If you dont like it dont play it shithead.UC Santa Barbara +1
Rated: 1.00
(they are very good with games for and against UCSB.)
BOL today guys.
Thanks Booey I for one am glad at any time to have RAS side and especially totals. So I am going to stand up here for Stu Passado who helps find them and say AK YAY Edward or whoever or whatever you call yourself YOU SHUT THE FU-- UP YOU MORON. Look at the overall body of work not just when you play your thomas jefferson and lose. These guys have been on target except here lately but dammit your getting the best totals player by far for free. If you dont like it dont play it shithead.
Thanks Booey I for one am glad at any time to have RAS side and especially totals. So I am going to stand up here for Stu Passado who helps find them and say AK YAY Edward or whoever or whatever you call yourself YOU SHUT THE FU-- UP YOU MORON. Look at the overall body of work not just when you play your thomas jefferson and lose. These guys have been on target except here lately but dammit your getting the best totals player by far for free. If you dont like it dont play it shithead.